Video Guide :
What it includes server-wise
Zteam Season 8 6-7 Server 1, 11-8 Server 2
What is inside ?
ChangelogBug ListSeason 1 - Season 7 Events Working.
Modified Events, They all occur everyday.
Skill Tree Tested for all Class.
Configured EventItemBags, Set to like Webzen.
Modified Monstersetbase with Spots / NPCs in all Maps.
Modified All Shops with Items for all Classes + Extras.
Modified Drop Rates so Quest Items + Others + Extras Drop.
Modified Client Moves all now Sync with Server + New maps to move to.
Modified Database with Starting Item+0+L+Skill for all Class + 10m Zen
Modified Points per Level to Accomdate Bugs(only for Reset server.)
Modified some monsters to be Tough or Gives out more XP.
Replaced Main.exe with Main that can be started without Starter.exe.
Client crash when certain in-game buttons pressed fixed.
Few more configs i might have forgotten, Just check all.Download LinksYou cannot do guildwar on Server 1, so i added Server 2
You can GW,But you cannot drop eventbags.) Pick your poison lol.
Gens quest are not working.
Season 8 Events not Working.
Sometimes elf-summon attacks you.
Some bugs that were on zTeam S8
Server Files :!XEcD0LaT!IbJzvN...ErdmZQpNzLixLs
Compatible Client :!OV8wkI7Z!SSrrgh...Snmzn08c6jNenU
Client Patch :
SQL 2008 Express :
Operating Systems that i personally tested onOperating Systems that should workWindows 8 Pro 64 bit
Windows 7 Ult 64 bit
Windows 2008 Standard R2 64 bitPortsWindows 7,8,2003,2008 32 bit / 64 bitExtras, Auto Reset + Gens Per Reset Job for SQL 2008 FULL runs every 1 second45302 - ConnectServer
14382 - GameServer
14482 - GameServer GWCode:declare @st_time datetime,@i int select @st_time = getdate() ,@i = 0 while datediff(second, @st_time, getdate()) < 10 begin print 'this runtime: ' + convert(varchar, getdate(), 121) BEGIN TRANSACTION UPDATE GensUserInfo SET memb_contribution=memb_contribution+10 FROM Character T1, MEMB_INFO T2, GameShop_Data T3, GensUserInfo T4, MEMB_STAT T5 WHERE = T4.memb_char and T1.cLevel>399 -- Reset Level and T5.ConnectStat='0' and GSReady='0' UPDATE Character SET cLevel='10', resets=resets+1,MapNumber='0',MapPosX='141',MapPosY='127' FROM Character T1, MEMB_INFO T2, GameShop_Data T3, MEMB_STAT T4 WHERE cLevel>399 -- Reset Level and T4.ConnectStat='0' and GSReady='0' UPDATE Character SET PkLevel='3' -- Auto PK Clear FROM Character T1, MEMB_INFO T2, GameShop_Data T3, MEMB_STAT T4 WHERE T4.ConnectStat='0' and PkLevel>3 UPDATE Character SET GSReady='0' Where Resets=49 -- Max Reset Minus One UPDATE Character SET GSReady='1' Where Resets=50 -- Max Reset COMMIT waitfor delay '00:00:01.000'end
Hit that like button and ill do more clean repacks :)
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