This server files have been used for a server (+5 years online)
With more than 200~250 Online,hope you have fun with them.
Server Files Download
Server Client Download
Step 1
After you have downloaded the files and decompress, shows the
'folder' muonline. For our own convenience, the address of the folder must
is as small as possible. We recommend the following site «C:\muonline»
Step 2
To enable the server to store and retrieve all data
the game will need to create two databases in SQL Server.
Go Start > > Programs Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SQL Server >
Management Studio. After you open the Management Studio», observe field
"server name", to match the name with the name that we have given in
our machine during Windows Setup, otherwise will not
We can connect. In the "Authentication" we are given the opportunity
whether to connect automatically with the Windows account identification, either with
the SQL account created when you install it. The name
account from the moment that we have set is always the ' sa ', as for the
password that we defined during installation.
Top left we see that SQL Server and SQL Server
Agent are in operation and what we understand from the Green
marking on their icons.
After you create the databases needed by the server to
stores and retrieves data, you should create and paintings
(tables) within the bases, so that the data stored in the appropriate
paintings. For example, there is the same table to store all
elements of a user during registration and the player's attributes in
in the game.
For our own convenience tables (tables) that needs the server is already
created, just all we have to do is to bring
(Restore). To create the databases and restore
the tables (tables) follow these steps:
1. right click on the folder "Databases"
2. click on the "Restore Database"
3. in the field "database" To define the base with name "muonline»
4. in the "Source for restore" choose "From device" and click on
5. in the new window that appears, press the button "Add"
6. in the list that appears, you should define the point where
are the tables of the database "muonline», in order to reinstate them.
In this case located at C:\muonline\db_baks\
Figure 3.11: Database Restore MU Online
7. If no files appear in the folder «db_baks»
change the "Files of type" to "All Files"
8. choose ' setting ' and MuOnline two (2) times OK
9. we returned in step 4 with the only difference that under "Select the
backup sets to restore a database ". The "check it"
10. under "Select a page" choose "Options", in order to determine
the right path to "restore" the basis for muonline.
Probably the path being incorrect. Our database and log
We want to become the "restore" on your hard drive C:\ in the folder
databases. So we change both paths in
«C:\muonline\databases\» and press OK
Photo: Successful database restore MU Online
11. Repeat the same procedure to create the basis
«ranking», with the only difference that in step 3 we define the base with
name «ranking»
12. After you create both bases slamming the Management
Step 3
Return the folder «muonline». To enable the files of
Server to communicate with the database, but also with the
clients should make modifications (private/public IP, SQL code
Server) in specific parts of files.
First, open the folder "ConnectServer». O connect server is
responsible for two things, indicates to clients active servers, where
can connect and connects clients with the join server. In this
folder holding the following modifications:
1. open the folder "Data"
2. Open the file ".dat" BoR_ServerList with a text editor (notepad)
3. where we see the "server_name" the replacing with the name of
our server (free choice)
4. where we see the ' your_public_ip ' the replacing with DNS that
5. Save and close
We return to the main folder "and" open the muonline folder
«data». Make the following modifications:
1. open the "lang" folder and then the folder ' kor '
2. Open the file "config.cfg" commonloc with a text editor (notepad).
Where we see the ' your_public_ip ' the replacing with the DNS
We have created . We store and slamming
3. we return to the "data" folder and open the file
«commonserver. cfg ' with a text editor (notepad). Where we see the
«your_private_ip» the replacing with the private IP of our server
. Changes are made in four (4) points.
We store and slamming
4. Open the file "IpList. dat" with a text editor (notepad).
Replacing the "your_public_ip" with the DNS we have created
and in «your_private_ip» with our private IP. We store and
5. Open the file "ServerInfo. dat" with a text editor (notepad). In
« the your_server_name » replacing with the same name you gave in
step 3 for the ConnectServer folder ". We store and slamming
We return to the main folder "and" open the muonline folder
«EventServer». The event server, as its name suggests, is responsible
purely for all events/competitions conducted by the
same server. Make the following amendment:
1. open the "DATA" folder and then the file "PHP.ini" svconfig
2. Replace the "your_sqlserver_pass" with code that we introduced
When you install SQL Server,
We store and slamming
We return to the main folder "and" open the muonline folder
«RankingServer». Make the following amendment:
Open the file with name ".ini" svconfig. Replacing the
«your_sqlserver_pass» with the code that we have introduced during the installation of
SQL Server . We store and slamming.
We return to the main folder "and" roll out the muonline archive
' .Reg ' ODBC with a text editor (notepad). Odbc (Open Database
Connectivity) is a very basic and crucial because it determines the file
links between permissions and data server and SQL Server. When for
example a player bought an object in the game, odbc file has
Guide and has given permission to the data server to write these
data in the database (muonline). In short, anything and if
It happens within the game is recorded in the data server, which in turn
automatically records on foundations muonline and ranking.
we are the
the following modifications:
1. where we see the "replacing the your_server_name ', with the name of
our machine. The changes
made in eleven (11) points. We store and slamming
2. Do a double click on the .reg file odbc, so the settings
contained in the file to be recorded in the registry of our system.
Finally, we open the file with name "StartUp file. Where we see the
«your_private_ip» the replacing with the private IP of our server, where
see "your_public_ip" in replacing the DNS that we have created.
Changes are made in four (4) points. We store and slamming.
When do all the settings do double click on the
exe file "MUServerStartUp." which is located in the main folder "muonline». As
We see in the picture all server services started and running
Before we proceed with the client files, you must first
promote two doors "Port Forwarding" on the router. The first door is the
44405 to connect server, so that clients can connect and see
what game server is active, and the 55901 door for the game server so that..
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 SP2 - Express Edition
Probably forgot some details, but I hope not :)
For any question feel free top pm me or reply..
Violence Mu
Credits Release:
Dope Boy One
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