ExMuOnline Theme for mvCore + crew module

Hello, so i found some template of exmuonline in ragezone that has HTML CSS only. 
(mean that its cant be used to any server)
i adapet the theme for mvCore so now everyone can enjoy!
i code a lot time ago crew module for mvCore that working on DB. (guide next)

Screen Shots:https://prnt.sc/flx1so
Screenshot by Lightshot

User Panel:Screenshot by Lightshot

Crew Module Guide:

Open Sql Studio / Query and run this: 

Use MuOnline ALTER TABLE Character ADD Role varchar(10);
then run this query:

Use MuOnline
Update Character Set Role = '9' where name = 'Nick'

9 - Role
Nick - change to your player nick

you can see the role numbers at the file inc.crew.php or here:
9 - Owner
8 - Coder
7 - OA
6 - CEO
5 - CEO
4 - GM
so that mean that if you want put example DorC nick GM Role you run this query:

Use MuOnline
Update character set role = '4' where name = 'DorC'
found bug? send messeage with screen shot and i will fix when i have time :) 

Design - whoever that design this
GoshTeam - release template (html css)
cMu - Fixing some broken image / photoshop edits + adapet mvcore + releasing crew.php module

​Have fun guys ;)


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