Stop SYN flood, TCP flood, UDP flood, ICMP flood, bandwidth attacks
Stop Slow HTTP Get&Post attacks
Protect Windows Remote Desktop Connection from password brute force attacks
Network flow and TCP connection management. Anti DDoS Guardian limits network flow number, client bandwidth, client concurrent TCP connection number and TCP connection rate.
TCP half-open connection control.
UDP flow control. Anti DDoS Guardian limits UDP bandwidth, UDP connection rate and UDP packet rate.
Block country IP addresses
Block certain IP addresses or ranges of addresses.
Firewall protection. The firewall rules are based on remote IP addresses, ports, protocols, and other TCP/IP factors.
IP black list and white list. Anti DDoS Guardian controls users' access to the Internet within particular areas by setting black list or white list.
Support various of IP list formats, such as Apache's .htaccess.
IP list automatic updating.
Exceptional rules.
Real-Time network activities monitoring. Anti DDoS Guardian monitors each incoming and outgoing packet in Real-Time. It displays local address, remote address, and other information of each network flow.
Looking up IP addresses. Anti DDoS Guardian looks up the remote IP addresses and ownership information.
Log files. Anti DDoS Guardian records each blocked and allowed IP address.
Run Anti DDoS Guardian as a Windows service
Support Windows 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 2012, in 32/64 bits
Download Link1:
Anti DDoS Guardian 3.4 Cracked
Credits:by Trote
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