Files 97 Giovanni

Code: [Select]
###Day Unknown###
- Translated & Configured All GameServer Setting
- Fixed All Potions Durability to 255 
- Disabled ID in Delete Guild
- Disabled ID in Delete Character
- Fixed Transformation Rings
- Changed Max Stats to 65000
- Fixed Max Stats Add Limit
- Added Connect Notice
- Fixed Guard Talk

###Version v1.00.00###
- Added Transformation Rings Setting
- Added Summoning Orbs Setting
- Added Jewel Prices Setting
- Added Jewel Rate Setting
- Added Level Up Points Setting
- Added Plus Item Level Rate Setting
- Added Wing Mix Rate Setting
- Added Potion Recovery Percentage Setting
- Added Item Rate Setting
- Added Item Max Level Setting
- Added Number Of Max User Setting
- Added Command /reset
- Added Command /pkclear
- Added Command /move 
- Added Command Add Points v
- --> /addstr 
- --> /adddex 
- --> /addvit 
- --> /addene 
- Added Command /reload v
- --> 0 = GameServer.dll
- --> 1 = Monsters 
- --> 2 = Shops
- Added Command /post 
- Added Command /info
- Added NPC Reset
- Added NPC Reset Setting
- Added NPC PkClear
- Added NPC PkClear Setting
- Added MoveReg
- Added New Event SkyLand = 20%

###Version v1.00.02###
- Fixed BloodCastle Reward Crash Fix
- Fixed MoveReg Icarus and Stadium Fix
- Added Wait in /post
- Added /skin 
- Added /createitem 
- Added Monster Item Drop
- Added IpListBlock.dat / Block IPs
- Fixed It Moves for Icarus Without Wings & Dinorant
- New Event SkyLand = 37%

###Version v1.00.03###
- Added Command /createmonster 
- Added Vip = 99% / Number Vip[8] is GameMaster
- Added Vip Setting- Added /Reset Setting
- New Event SkyLand = 80%
- Added Command # -> [GM Name] : Msg to All Server
- Added Command /pkset 
- Added Anti-Hacker in Trade
- Fixed Duper Trade + Trade in 6 Segunds
- Added Waits in Trade- Fixed ManaShield Percentage
- Fixed Swell Life Percentage
- Added ManaShield Setting
- Added Swell Life Setting
- Added Command /clearinv
- Added Command /clearinvall
- Added Command /clearware
- Added Command QuestChange v
- --> /classsm
- --> /classbk
- --> /classme
- --> /classmg
- Added Command /setblockchar 
- Added Command /unsetblockchar 
- Added Command /setblockacc
- Added Command /unsetblockacc 
- Added Command /online
- Added Command /status 
- Added Command /sale 
- Added Command /firecrack
- Added Command /setmoney 
- Added Command /setlevel 
- Added Command /addskill 
- Added Command /deleteskill 
- Added NpcBuff / Four Types
- Added NpcBuff Setting
- Added NpcBuff Time Settings
- Added Three GuardSay Setting
- Added GameMaster Notice / When entering and to leave of the game
- Added Vip Command Setting (Vip.dat)

###Version v1.00.04###
- Added Command /warehouse 
- Added Table 'extrawarehouse' in DataBase 
- Added Auto-Create Extra WareHouse
- Added Max WareHouse Normal and Vip
- Added Send Notices [Max 12 Notices of 3 lines]
- Added New Quests- Added Reward in Quest and Reward Setting
- Added Count of monsters when killcount
- Fixed Finish Quest Before finishing killcount
- Added Npc Quest Setting
- Added Extra Exp and Drop for Vip[0 ~ 8]
- New Event SkyLand = 90%
- Changed Max Maps to 25
- Added Command String in
- Fixed Ablility Point
- Disabled PK_Count Limit
- Added Reward for Separate Classes in The New Quests [Wizard,Knight,Elf,Magumsa]
- Added New Seal of Jewels for Mix
- Added Mix Jewel
- Added Command /mixjewel v
- --> 0 = Jewel of Bless
- --> 1 = Jewel of Soul
- --> 2 = Jewel of Chaos
- --> 3 = Jewel of Life
- --> 4 = Jewel of Creation
- Added Command /unmixjewel v
- --> 0 = Seal ofJewel of Bless
- --> 1 = Seal ofJewel of Soul
- --> 2 = Seal ofJewel of Chaos
- --> 3 = Seal ofJewel of Life
- --> 4 = Seal ofJewel of Creation
- Added Mix Jewel Setting
- Added Command /vipbuy 
- Added Command /addvipmoney 
- Added Two options of CheckSum (CheckSum-Exe & MultiCheckSum)
- Added CheckSums Settings

###Version v1.00.05###
- Added Command /gmshop to use (GameMasterShop.txt)
- Added Command /shopvip to use (shopvip0.txt)
- Added Command /shopvip1 to use (shopvip1.txt)
- Added Command /pcshop to use (PCShop0.txt)
- Added Command /pcshop1 to use (PCShop1.txt)
- Added ChipSet Bag (EventItemBag13.txt)
- Added BloodCastle Bag (EventItemBag14.txt)
- Added SkyLand Dark Phoenix Bag (EventItemBag15.txt)
- Added SkyLand Red Dragon Bag (EventItemBag16.txt)
- New Event SkyLand = 97%- Added New Event HappyHour = 99%
- Fixed Experience Level

###Version v1.00.06A###
- Fixed DropLevel in Group 12 to 15
- Fixed MUTEX

###Version v1.00.06B###
- Enabled Durability on Items Dropped
- Fixed Experience in Party
- Disabled Cancel Party when Died

###Version v1.00.06C###
- Enabled Quest Select
- Added Command /quest 
- Added Table 'T_Quest' in DataBase 
- Added Fruit System
- Added MaxPoint 65K Settings
- Added Information in All Server
- New Event SkyLand = 98%
- Enabled Golden Archer NPC
- Disabled ChipSet Bag- Added ChipSetShop (Used in Golden Archer)(Used Rena and Stone for buy Items)
- Added Command /register (Used for active Rena and Stone register)
- Added NewJewels v- Jewel of Harmony (14,27) 
- Increase luck in Items- Jewel of Violenc (14,28)
- Increase skill in Items- Jewel of Darkness (14,29) 
- Increase excellent option in Items
- Added Season4 Items

Info: Client Version 97d++ (0.97.04)
###5/7/2010###- Main.exe v
- --> Fixed Texture - Gembrid thank the tutorial
- --> Fixed Experience Bar 
-- --> Added Glow in 0.98 Items 
- Gembrid thank the information
- --> Added New Seal of Jewels for Mix
- --> Added MaxItems Setting [In All The Categories]
- --> Added NewJewels
- Added New Items of Season4[/quote]
viene un parche para un cliente 97d!rpZhWRLT!cZPJUglJ-GmO5AvGxAA6vurBqc1Udrse2wYVSKisEcI
va con todas las actualizaciónes!




Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.