MUCore 1.0.8 Premium Full
- 100% working/deobfuscated/deCode PHP5
- Include Webzen template by default!
- Include MagicHand MU Editor 2.1 support CashShop /editor
- Add z-team Characters
- [Fixed] [Fixed] [Lost Password] Image Verification show if reCAPTCHA™ was set.
- [Website] "Go back" cache, now you can press go back button without to lose any filled up form data
- [Admin CP] Number of hours have been increased on Cron Jobs side.
- [Webserver] CPU and RAM usage reduced by 40%
- [Login System] Lag free improved. No more SQL queries need.
- [Castle Siege Module]
- [Install Process] when you first visit the website using your exlorer by typing http://localhost or the first time run will redirect you to the installation process.
- [Class Compatibility] added compatibility with Rage Fighter and Fist Master, you can edit without any restriction in your admin panel and its displayed in rankings.
- [Event Log] We created 2 new small modules called admin logger and user logger which allows you to keep a registry of the actions performed on our website (user side) and in admin panel it keeps a record of who access that area and what actions they perform and from which IP it comes, this is a security measure implemented in order to check if admins abuse their powers. All logs get stored under a protected folder.
- [Integration] Webshop added to the installation part. Once it's done, you will be able to see the store immediately without an issue. Also, the Webshop database has been fixed so new items will not present a problem.
- [Organization] rearranged the navigation bar for a better use of the modules.
1. Edit PHP config in php.ini:
+ Require extension enabled:
- MSSQL Drivers (php_mssql.dll PHP 5.2, php_dblib.dll, php_sqlsrv.dll, php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll) if use Connection Type MSSQL
- GD Image Library (php_gd2.dll)
- OpenSSL (php_openssl.dll) if use SMTP Secure Connection (SSL or TSL).
- magic_quotes_gpc must be disabled - Off
- short_open_tag must be enabled – On
2. Enable MOD REWRITE if custom page URL
- Go to apache\conf\httpd.conf , open it, find #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/, delete # from the front save and restart webserver
3. Install MSSQL Server! Recommended SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard/Pro/Ultimate, Express version does not have SQL Agent to run job.
-> Restore DB or Attach DB skipp if have DB.
4. IF USE MD5: Add MD5 to Database!
- Copy the 'WZ_MD5_MOD.dll'(included on Install folder) to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn\
- Execute SQL QUERY:- Enable/replace MD5 on joinserverCode:-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- /****** Register MD5 * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ USE [master] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO -- /****** DROP Object: ExtendedStoredProcedure [dbo].[XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsExtendedProc') = 1) EXEC sp_dropextendedproc N'[dbo].[XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal]' GO -- /****** DROP Object: ExtendedStoredProcedure [dbo].[XP_MD5_EncodeString] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[XP_MD5_EncodeString]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsExtendedProc') = 1) EXEC sp_dropextendedproc N'[dbo].[XP_MD5_EncodeString]' GO -- /****** DROP Object: ExtendedStoredProcedure [dbo].[XP_MD5_CheckValue] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[XP_MD5_CheckValue]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsExtendedProc') = 1) EXEC sp_dropextendedproc N'[dbo].[XP_MD5_CheckValue]' GO -- /****** ADD Object: ExtendedStoredProcedure [dbo].[XP_MD5_EncodeString] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ EXEC sp_addextendedproc N'XP_MD5_EncodeString', N'WZ_MD5_MOD.dll' GO -- /****** ADD Object: ExtendedStoredProcedure [dbo].[XP_MD5_CheckValue] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ EXEC sp_addextendedproc N'XP_MD5_CheckValue', N'WZ_MD5_MOD.dll' GO -- /****** ADD Object: ExtendedStoredProcedure [dbo].[XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ EXEC sp_addextendedproc N'XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal', N'WZ_MD5_MOD.dll' GO -- USE [Me_MuOnline] USE [MuOnline] GO -- /****** DROP Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fn_md5] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[fn_md5]') AND type IN (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT')) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_md5] GO -- /****** CREATE Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fn_md5] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_md5] @DaTa varchar(10), @DaTa2 varchar(10)) RETURNS binary(16) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Hash binary(16) EXEC master.dbo.XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal @DaTa, @DaTa2, @Hash OUT RETURN @Hash END GO -- /****** CREATE Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[UFN_MD5_CHECKVALUE] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[UFN_MD5_CHECKVALUE]') AND xtype IN (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[UFN_MD5_CHECKVALUE] GO CREATE FUNCTION UFN_MD5_CHECKVALUE (@btInStr VARCHAR(10), @btInStrIndex VARCHAR(10), @btInVal BINARY(16)) RETURNS TINYINT AS BEGIN DECLARE @ioutResult TINYINT EXEC master..XP_MD5_CheckValue @btInStr, @btInVal, @btInStrIndex, @ioutResult OUT RETURN @ioutResult END GO -- /****** CREATE Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[UFN_MD5_ENCODEVALUE] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[UFN_MD5_ENCODEVALUE]') AND xtype IN (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[UFN_MD5_ENCODEVALUE] GO CREATE FUNCTION UFN_MD5_ENCODEVALUE (@btInStr VARCHAR(10), @btInStrIndex VARCHAR(10)) RETURNS BINARY(16) AS BEGIN DECLARE @btOutVal BINARY(16) EXEC master..XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal @btInStr, @btInStrIndex, @btOutVal OUT RETURN @btOutVal END GO -- /****** CREATE Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[SP_MD5_ENCODE_VALUE] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[SP_MD5_ENCODE_VALUE]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[SP_MD5_ENCODE_VALUE] GO CREATE PROCEDURE SP_MD5_ENCODE_VALUE @btInStr VARCHAR(10), @btInStrIndex VARCHAR(10) AS BEGIN DECLARE @btOutVal BINARY(16) EXEC master..XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal @btInStr, @btInStrIndex, @btOutVal OUT UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET memb__pwd = @btOutVal WHERE memb___id = @btInStrIndex RETURN @btOutVal END GO -- /****** CREATE Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[Encript] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Encript]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Encript] GO CREATE PROCEDURE Encript @btInStr VARCHAR(10), @btInStrIndex VARCHAR(10) AS BEGIN DECLARE @btOutVal BINARY(16) EXEC master..XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal @btInStr, @btInStrIndex, @btOutVal OUT UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET memb__pwd = @btOutVal WHERE memb___id = @btInStrIndex END GO -- /****** CREATE Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[Encripta] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Encripta]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Encripta] GO CREATE PROCEDURE Encripta @btInStr VARCHAR(10), @btInStrIndex VARCHAR(10) AS BEGIN DECLARE @btOutVal BINARY(16) EXEC master..XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal @btInStr, @btInStrIndex, @btOutVal OUT UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET memb__pwd = @btOutVal WHERE memb___id = @btInStrIndex END GO -- /****** CREATE Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[DencriptPW] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[DencriptPW]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[DencriptPW] GO CREATE PROCEDURE DencriptPW @btInStr VARCHAR(10), @btInStrIndex VARCHAR(10) AS BEGIN DECLARE @btOutVal BINARY(16) EXEC master..XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal @btInStr, @btInStrIndex, @btOutVal OUT SELECT memb__pwd FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb__pwd = @btOutVal AND memb___id = @btInStrIndex END GO -- /****** CREATE Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[Cassandra_MD5] * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Cassandra_MD5]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[Cassandra_MD5] GO CREATE PROCEDURE Cassandra_MD5 @btInStr VARCHAR(10), @btInStrIndex VARCHAR(10) AS BEGIN DECLARE @btOutVal BINARY(16) EXEC master..XP_MD5_EncodeKeyVal @btInStr, @btInStrIndex, @btOutVal OUT SELECT @btOutVal END GO -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- /****** Use MD5 * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MEMB_INFO] ADD memb__pwd2 varbinary(16) GO -- UPDATE [dbo].[MEMB_INFO] SET memb__pwd2 = CAST(memb__pwd as VARBINARY) UPDATE [dbo].[MEMB_INFO] SET memb__pwd2 = CONVERT(varbinary(16),memb__pwd) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MEMB_INFO] DROP COLUMN memb__pwd GO EXEC sp_RENAME 'MEMB_INFO.[memb__pwd2]' , 'memb__pwd', 'COLUMN' GO -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* -- >=SQL2005 No DLL - Remove xp_md5 extended procedure first USE [master] GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_md5] @DaTa varchar(255)) RETURNS CHAR(32) AS BEGIN RETURN SUBSTRING(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(HashBytes('MD5', @DaTa)), 3, 32) END GO GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[fn_md5] TO [public] GO */ -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- /****** Not Use MD5 * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ /* ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MEMB_INFO] ALTER COLUMN memb__pwd varchar(16) NOT NULL GO */ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO -- Get Source SQL -- -- USE master; -- GO -- EXEC sp_helptext 'fn_varbintohexstr'; -- GO --
5. Edit Web Config in config.php:
+ Select Connection Type:
- MSSQL: $core['connection_type'] = "MSSQL";
Need enabled MSSQL Drivers & Enable Protocol: TCP/IP, Named Pipes
- ODBC : $core['connection_type'] = "ODBC";
Need Merge file ODBC.reg
+ If use only 'MuOnline' database change $core['server_use_2_db'] to '0'.
+ If use 2 databases like 'MuOnline' and 'Me_MuOnline change' $core['server_use_2_db'] to '1'.
+ Change Connection Settings:
- $core['db_host*'] = ""; Database host IP address or PcName\SqlInstanceName
- $core['db_name*'] = "MuOnline"; Database name
- $core['db_user*']= "sa"; SQL Authentication user
- $core['db_password*'] = "YourSQLPassword"; SQL Authentication password
+ Change Admin Login Info:
- $core['admin_username'] = 'Admin'; Administrator user
- $core['admin_password'] = '12345'; Administrator password
6. First visit http://localhost will automatically redirect to http://localhost/install/install.php
If not automatically redirect please visit http://localhost/install/install.php
* Step 1 - Required Apache Mods
* Step 2 - Connecting To Databases
* Step 3 - Checking,Altering Tables
* Step 4 - Adding New Rows To Tables
* Step 5 - Importing Cron Jobs
* Step 6 - Set Website Settings
* Step 7 - Install Finished.
7. Fix Error:
+ Image Verification not show:
- Enabled extension GD Image Library (php_gd2.dll)
- Check site url
+ Connection error:
- Connection with MuOnline Database Failed
- Unable to connect to server
- Connection error to server
-> Check info on config.php: Make sure the information entered is correct.
- db_host : Database host IP address or PcName\SqlInstanceName
- MSSQL extension is not available anymore on Windows with PHP 5.3 or later: use ODBC OR reInstall/reConfig WebServer
-> If use SQL2000/2005 -> Install Xampp v1.7.3+
-> If NOT use SQL2000 -> Install Xampp v1.8.2+ Added MSSQL Drivers (php_dblib.dll, php_sqlsrv.dll, php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll)
+ Registration Error / Login Error / Password Incorrect / Your Account is Invalid:
- Unable to register, reason: system error, please contact administrator.
- Implicit conversion from data type varchar to varbinary is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query
-> This Problem is change DB or use MD5 but not config:
- If NOT use MD5 then disabled MD5 on website (Admin Control Panel).
-> Execute SQL QUERY:Recheck again! If not resolved, then ReInstall MuCore!Code:-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- /****** Not Use MD5 * Dao Van Trong - Trong.CF ******/ ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MEMB_INFO] ALTER COLUMN memb__pwd varchar(16) NOT NULL GO -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If user MD5 check MD5 setting then enable MD5 on website (Admin Control Panel). Recheck again! If not resolved, then ReInstall MuCore!
Recheck again! If not resolved, then check STEPS 4 !
+ Sorry, this feature is temporarily unavailable at the moment: Active/Enable/Turn ON module/Pages in Admin Control Panel
Download MUCORE: MUCore 1.0.8 Premium (ZIP MD5: 8F9EB26911BB8CBEC7C4BB3F0590D194 ) 27.8 MBCode:!G1AViDrR!qkZ0TXubJcIqpnOSfTOgf0qor5T65J3-Rz3HiTGB7sk
=Master= -> MuCore Founder and Creator
Isumeru -> Share and fixes database.
MaryJo, Trong -> Decrypt, edit modules and fixes.* Download XAMPP:
Have a lot of fun !
XAMPP_v1.7.1+_3283305F837C3C808BA084186C145C59.7z 52.8 MBXAMPP_v1.7.3+_82F4AC48EA3D4FAD54A96557F1C1F20B.7z 60.4 MBCode:!355VVZBb!EHbNuybZtobcD1A_lRhWgZl_lvPzyASnJsUV6Enfu-8kCode:!GhQQVBgS!hHI--3HVzX4_Vcq4v-U6BDE8YziFlvOoq34GEGk6GVY
With all errors and questions
Please make sure you has download the latest version HERE!
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