MuOnline Launcher ZEN (New Updated Version) Free MuOnline Launcher with Auto

Hello everyone, It's been a while since i have made an update to Zen Launcher (Beast Launcher) and this one was compiled last year and planned to share it ( Updated Version )


More Previews here: Beast-Launcher - Album on Imgur

Informations (New):
Version: 6.0.1
Source-Codes Stable: (Master) (Performance Branch)
Created with Python, Supports Transparent Splash image
and Auto-Update from your Website also every time players starts with launcher it detects if theres a new version, and if so it will prompt the updater and will update it.
100% Clean and Open-Source, also supports an anti-hack built-in but not planning to release it yet.


Splash (Enable/Disable)
Server Name (Can be Disabled)
Web view Slider (Images with Link)
Web view News
Buttons with Links
Options Tab (Resolutions Setting)
Editable Messages in Contact Us Tab
Ease of Set-up

Download the Launcher files:Link:!ksJE1QyL!VbBpcIw1q...lp3AOh_dPxVDnM
Unzip in into the root of your Client folder (do not rename 'Updater.exe' and 'Launcher.exe')

Download files for the Updater:Link:!IoowGb4S!T3taY0...lxBgh7-4fBR5xQ

Updater Setup:
Unzip the file into your Web root,
If you are using Xampp please move the 'csupdater' and 'SlidesAndNews' folder into your htdocs (Easier for you to understand the whole setup)

C:/xampp/htdocs/csupdater ( contains the updater version number and Zip files)
- LatestVersion.txt (Edit if you wish to make a new Version, be sure that it is higher by 1 )
---- Version (FOLDER)
------ 1.0 (FOLDER)
---------- (Zip file that contains the whole file you wish to replace on players)

so if you change the number in LatestVersion.txt (lets say 1.0)
the Launcher will go to 1.0 directory and download the (ZIP FILE)

C:/xampp/htdocs/SlidesAndNews ( contains the slider and news on launcher )

If you are planning to host the whole Updater files onto a different host please always make sure that "csupdater" and "SlidesAndNews" folder are in ROOT DIRECTORY or somewhere you remember the path

Settings Editing Guide (Includes Updater)
Go to your Settings folder open file named Main
Setting File

  • Name 
    None if you do not like any name, Or change it to Anything
  • Style 
    0 or 1 (Useless.)
  • Executable
    default: main.exe or can be anything if you renamed the original main.exe
  • Icon
    default: Resource/Invictuz.png or anything that fits on your likings ;)
  • Info
    ex. "www.thisislink, this is the information etc. etc." (SEPERATED by Comma)
  • Splash
    Value is: True or None, Path of Splash Image ex. "True, MySplashFolder/Splash.png"
  • News
    URL to your "/SlidesandNews/news.aspx" ex: NAME OF SERVER
  • Slider
    URL to your "SlidesandNews/slides/slides.aspx ex: No Name Launcher's Slider
  • smslink
    Any Link
  • sociallink
    Any Link
  • votelink
    Any Link
  • smslink
    Any Link
  • webshoplink
    Any Link

  • Updater
    The Link of which the "csupdater" folder uploaded (Check the Path!!)
    example: (if you will check here: / ) it will Work.
  • Version
    ex: 3.2, 3.22, 0.5, 213 (Be sure that this one is Equal or Less than the Web Version)

    It's a kinda long Guide so yah just wish ya a have a good luck.

Please Like if you do :P and Leave a feed back if you have a problem and have some question related with my post.

Video Guide (Long XD )

Lot's of Users PM'ed me how to Compile the source into .EXE
1. Download Python 2.7,
- On installation please check the "Add to Path"

2. Download PyQt4:

3. Download PyInstaller
Open CMD.exe, Type this command:   
pip install pyinstaller  (Close the CMD Afterwards)

4. Open CMD.exe and type these command
pyinstaller -y -F --windowed --icon="Settings\CSImages\icon.ico" --version-file="version.txt" --upx-dir="upx" -p "C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4"

--upx makes your .exe generated code unreadable (Packed exe)
Replace C:\Python27 with your Python directory.

Special Thanks to:

- Removes .Zip files automatically when Launcher.exe starts (thanks Zozeri)
- (6.0.1)  Built-in updater (Zip remover, Version Updater, and Multi version updater)


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