[ExTeam] Season 3 Episode 1
Bueno por aca dejo los files exteam season 3 episodio 1 y los sources de lado del server, si usan los sources deben o desactivar las customs que dependen del cliente , competar lo que falta en el cliente o bien comprar las sources del cliente que las vende exteam por 50 Usd.
[ReedLan Introduction]
- Carnage Event
- Rena Event
- New monsters
- mercenary system
- Quest system
- the Cash Shop
- Chaos Card the Master
- the NPC PkClear
- the NPC to Pirate lotery
- Mystical Soldier the Event
- Lack Speed Bug
- Jewel Of Mistical
- Jewel Of Exellent
[ExTeam Introduction]
- Within the system's reset: / reset
- Support Exellent + Ancent things
- Customize characters formulas
- Added new mixes stones
- New stones:
- by Jewel Of Luck
- by Jewel Of the Element
- by Jewel Of Ancent
- by Jewel Of Added
- by Jewel Of Justice
- by Jewel Of Skill
- by Jewel Of Level
- Trade in Offline (OffTrade)
- Global alert about a new nickname and offline store location
- NPC Buffer
- 4 small coins 100kk 250kk 500kk 1kkk
- Mass greeting and information about characters when entering the game (Gem, Reset, GReset)
- Inside the game Grand reset system / greset
- Added command to distribute the commando from Dark Lord
- Purchase System of Zen Gem
- NPC Teleport (fee Gem and Zen) is the setting for grand reseta reseta.
- Display of the logs the client's life and the main boss enemy
- Setting up a ring in the center of Laura
- The PvP system configuration for all the cards (You can kill - yes / no, if fonishsya killed - yes / no, and the normal mode)
- Information about player Team (How about Char online)
- Um commands: / trace / pkset / move / teleport
- Function mode account (principle of operation almost like the Disconnect function on the site, only the server)
- NPC Exchanger Changes to items you listed things gem or credits
- Learn more flexible adjustment of drop
- New Calculator charov percentage adjustment
- Disconnect Hack protection on the server side
- The new quest system
Cambiar datos del server en :
Datos del cliente:
cambiar en ExGames.dll
SERIAL: Td4e8UtYvLo90zZd
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